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Real-time TPS

21.57 tx/s

Max TPS (100 blocks)

1,105 tx/s

Max Theor. TPS

40,000 tx/s


Total Transactions

77,667 txns

Block Time





Layer 2



Launch Date

Aug 31, 2021

Arbitrum Real-time TPS Chart

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How Many Transactions Per Second Can Arbitrum Handle?

Arbitrum can process 1,105 transactions per second

About Arbitrum

Arbitrum serves as a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum, leveraging rollups to significantly boost scalability and reduce transaction costs while maintaining robust security. It enables developers to execute EVM-compatible smart contracts with a substantially higher transaction throughput and lower fees compared to Ethereum's main chain, making it a compelling platform for decentralized application development.

Token symbol:

Metrics Overview:
Arbitrum TPS is 21.57 transactions per second
Arbitrum Max TPS is 1,105 transactions per second
Arbitrum Max Theoretical TPS is 40,000 transactions per second
Arbitrum transaction count is coming soon
Arbitrum block time is 0.25s
Arbitrum time to finality is 16m
Arbitrum is a Layer 2 blockchain
Arbitrum governance model is on-chain
Arbitrum was launched on Aug 31, 2021 (4 years ago)

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