Real-time TPS
0.49 tx/s
Max TPS (100 blocks)
142 tx/s
Max Theor. TPS
510 tx/s
Block Time
Layer 1
Launch Date
Nov 8, 2021
Total Transactions
Cronos Real-time TPS Chart
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How Many Transactions Per Second Can Cronos Handle?
Cronos can process 142 transactions per second
About Cronos
Cronos emerges as an interoperable blockchain, streamlining the migration of applications and crypto assets from various chains while prioritizing low transaction costs, rapid throughput, and fast finalization times. It operates as an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)-compatible chain, augmented with support for Inter-Blockchain Communications (IBC) networks based on the Cosmos SDK. This integration empowers developers to create and launch dApps atop the EVM infrastructure.
Token symbol:
Metrics Overview:
Cronos TPS is 0.49 transactions per second
Cronos Max TPS is 142 transactions per second
Cronos Max Theoretical TPS is 510 transactions per second
Cronos transaction count is coming soon
Cronos block time is 5.66s
Cronos time to finality is 0s
Cronos is a Layer 1 blockchain
Cronos governance model is on-chain
Cronos was launched on Nov 8, 2021 (3 years ago)