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Real-time TPS

50.18 tx/s

Max TPS (100 blocks)

548.1 tx/s

Max Theor. TPS

4,762 tx/s


Total Transactions

180,657 txns

Block Time





Layer 2



Launch Date

Aug 11, 2023

opBNB Real-time TPS Chart

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How Many Transactions Per Second Can opBNB Handle?

opBNB can process 548.1 transactions per second

About opBNB

opBNB is an optimistic rollup network designed to enhance the scalability of the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). It aims to take the workload away from the mainnet and improve network performance. The opBNB network employs a unique approach to ensure transaction integrity and security. It leverages the main network (BSC) for final transaction validation on its execution layer, facilitated by a verifier mechanism, striving to achieve high throughput while maintaining security.

Metrics Overview:
opBNB TPS is 50.18 transactions per second
opBNB Max TPS is 548.1 transactions per second
opBNB Max Theoretical TPS is 4,762 transactions per second
opBNB transaction count is coming soon
opBNB block time is 1s
opBNB time to finality is 16m
opBNB is a Layer 2 blockchain
opBNB governance model is off-chain
opBNB was launched on Aug 11, 2023 (2 years ago)

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