Real-time TPS
0.81 tx/s
Max TPS (100 blocks)
13.3 tx/s
Max Theor. TPS
15,200 tx/s
Block Time
2m 6s
Layer 1
Launch Date
Dec 12, 2018
Total Transactions
Telos Real-time TPS Chart
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How Many Transactions Per Second Can Telos Handle?
Telos can process 13.3 transactions per second
About Telos
Telos is a blockchain platform built on EOSIO software, focusing on governance, scalability, and sustainability. It features transparent governance allowing token holders to participate in decision-making. With advanced resource management and a Delegated Proof-of-Stake consensus, Telos achieves high scalability. It emphasizes environmental consciousness and fosters a strong community of developers and users.
Token symbol:
Metrics Overview:
Telos TPS is 0.81 transactions per second
Telos Max TPS is 13.3 transactions per second
Telos Max Theoretical TPS is 15,200 transactions per second
Telos transaction count is coming soon
Telos block time is 0.5s
Telos time to finality is 2m 6s
Telos is a Layer 1 blockchain
Telos governance model is on-chain
Telos was launched on Dec 12, 2018 (6 years ago)