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Chain stats

Real-Time TPS

145 tx/s

Max Recorded TPS

176 tx/s

Max Theoretical TPS

1,137 tx/s

Block Time





Layer 1

Governance Model


Jul 31, 2014

About Stellar

Stellar empowers builders to unlock human and economic potential. It combines a powerful, decentralized blockchain network with a global ecosystem of innovators to create opportunities as borderless as ideas. It offers the tools to make a difference in the real world through new digital asset products and services that enhance access to the global financial system.

Token symbol:

Metrics Overview:
Stellar TPS is 145 transactions per second
Stellar Max TPS is 176 transactions per second
Stellar Max Theoretical TPS is 1,137 transactions per second
Stellar block time is 5.98s
Stellar time to finality is 6s
Stellar is a Layer 1 blockchain
Stellar governance model is on-chain
Stellar was launched on Jul 31, 2014 (10 years ago)

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