Real-Time TPS

Arbitrum TPS is 2.74X more than Ethereum TPS

33.96 tx/s
12.38 tx/s

Max Recorded TPS

Arbitrum max TPS is 8.54X more than Ethereum max TPS

532 tx/s
62.34 tx/s

Max Theoretical TPS

Arbitrum max theoretical TPS is 336X more than Ethereum max theoretical TPS

40,000 tx/s
119 tx/s

Block Time

Arbitrum block time is 97.85% less than Ethereum block time


Time to Finality (TTF)

Arbitrum TTF is the same as Ethereum TTF



Arbitrum is a layer 2 blockchain, while Ethereum is a layer 1 blockchain

Layer 2 blockchain
Layer 1 blockchain

Governance Model

Arbitrum on-chain governance is better than Ethereum off-chain governance


Other Comparisons

About Blockchains

What is Arbitrum?

Arbitrum serves as a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum, leveraging rollups to significantly boost scalability and reduce transaction costs while maintaining robust security. It enables developers to execute EVM-compatible smart contracts with a substantially higher transaction throughput and lower fees compared to Ethereum's main chain, making it a compelling platform for decentralized application development.

What is Ethereum?

Ethereum emerges as a decentralized, open-source blockchain platform empowering developers to craft and deploy smart contracts alongside dApps. Pioneering the smart contract concept, Ethereum enables self-executing agreements with terms directly encoded into its blockchain, eliminating the need for intermediaries. Additionally, Ethereum serves as a hub for the creation and exchange of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) and various digital assets. Its intrinsic cryptocurrency, Ether (ETH), facilitates network transactions and incentivizes miners to uphold network security. Ethereum's evolution to Ethereum 2.0 introduces a proof-of-stake (PoS) mechanism, aiming to enhance scalability and energy efficiency.

Blockchains Socials

Arbitrum Socials

Ethereum Socials