AirDAO vs Robonomics
Real-time TPS
AirDAO TPS is 0.2 tx/s, while Robonomics TPS is coming soon
Max TPS (100 blocks)
AirDAO max TPS is 3.91 tx/s, while Robonomics max TPS is coming soon
Max Theoretical TPS
AirDAO max theoretical TPS is 309 tx/s, while Robonomics max theoretical TPS is coming soon
Total Transactions
AirDAO total txns is 713 txns, while Robonomics total txns is coming soon
Block Time
AirDAO block time is 5.46s, while Robonomics block time is coming soon
AirDAO finality is 2m 30s, while Robonomics finality is coming soon
AirDAO is a layer 1 blockchain, while Robonomics type is unknown
AirDAO governance is on-chain, while Robonomics governance is coming soon
Launch Date
AirDAO was launched on Apr 17, 2019, while the Robonomics launch date is unknown
Other Comparisons
AirDAO Comparisons
Robonomics Comparisons
- Robonomics vs Acala
- Robonomics vs Ajuna Network
- Robonomics vs Astar
- Robonomics vs Bifrost
- Robonomics vs Crust
- Robonomics vs Frequency
- Robonomics vs Hydration
- Robonomics vs Integritee
- Robonomics vs Litentry
- Robonomics vs Mythos
- Robonomics vs Moonbeam
- Robonomics vs NeuroWeb
- Robonomics vs peaq
- Robonomics vs Pendulum
- Robonomics vs Phala Network
- Robonomics vs Robonomics
- Robonomics vs Polkadot
- Robonomics vs Zeitgeist
About Blockchains
About AirDAO
AirDAO is a decentralized autonomous organization governing the AMB-NET blockchain and its network of dApps. As the first DAO to encompass an entire L1 blockchain ecosystem, AirDAO is building an integrated suite of digital products and services that strip away the needless complexity from Web3 and bring its benefits to the average consumer via a single, easy-to-use web interface.
About Robonomics
The creation and development of a platform that provides tools for working with the robot economy network (briefly - the Robonomics platform) will allow designers of new cities and industrial zones to build trust among the autonomous robots services, provide direct user access for ordering products from autonomous factories and services of urban sensor networks. This in turn will allow us to put in place a decentralized system that globally monitors the activities of cyber physical systems.