Real-time TPS
Sei TPS is 2.34X more than Arbitrum TPS
47.62 tx/s
20.31 tx/s
Max TPS (100 blocks)
Sei max TPS is 76.86% less than Arbitrum max TPS
256 tx/s
1,105 tx/s
Max Theoretical TPS
Sei max theoretical TPS is 68.75% less than Arbitrum max theoretical TPS
12,500 tx/s
40,000 tx/s
Block Time
Sei block time is 1.87X more than Arbitrum block time
Sei finality is 100% less than Arbitrum finality
Sei is a layer 1 blockchain, while Arbitrum is a layer 2 blockchain
Layer 1 blockchain
Layer 2 blockchain
Sei and Arbitrum governance are both coming soon
Launch Date
Sei was launched 2 years after Arbitrum
May 22, 2023
Aug 31, 2021
Sei vs Arbitrum Real-Time TPS Chart
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About Blockchains
About Sei
Sei is the ideal platform for developing groundbreaking applications, supporting the latest trends and innovations in blockchain. Carbon Neutral.
About Arbitrum
Arbitrum serves as a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum, leveraging rollups to significantly boost scalability and reduce transaction costs while maintaining robust security. It enables developers to execute EVM-compatible smart contracts with a substantially higher transaction throughput and lower fees compared to Ethereum's main chain, making it a compelling platform for decentralized application development.