eCash vs Polygon

Real-time TPS


eCash TPS is 99.78% less than Polygon TPS

eCash logo
0.09 tx/s
Polygon logo
40.33 tx/s

Max TPS (100 blocks)


eCash max TPS is 92.71% less than Polygon max TPS

eCash logo
31.24 tx/s
Polygon logo
429 tx/s

Max Theoretical TPS


eCash max theoretical TPS is 95.1% less than Polygon max theoretical TPS

eCash logo
34.95 tx/s
Polygon logo
714 tx/s

Total Transactions


eCash total txns is 99.78% less than Polygon total txns

eCash logo
319 txns
Polygon logo
145,172 txns

Block Time


eCash block time is 230X more than Polygon block time

eCash logo
8m 13s
Polygon logo



eCash finality is 2.27X more than Polygon finality

eCash logo
9m 40s
Polygon logo
4m 16s



eCash is a layer 1 blockchain, while Polygon is a layer 2 blockchain

eCash logo
Layer 1 blockchain
Polygon logo
Layer 2 blockchain



eCash council governance is worse than Polygon off-chain governance

eCash logo
Polygon logo

Launch Date


eCash was launched 6 months after Polygon

eCash logo
Nov 15, 2020
Polygon logo
May 30, 2020

eCash vs Polygon Real-Time TPS Chart

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About Blockchains

About eCash

eCash is a blockchain project led by Bitcoin ABC, aiming to enhance L1 scalability, security, transaction speed, and cost-effectiveness. It integrates the Avalanche consensus protocol with its base PoW consensus, making it effectively a hybrid consensus network that is secured against 51% attacks and extensible via subnets and hard-fork free upgrades. These improvements address scalability concerns, enable rapid transaction finality, interoperability, and guarantee subcent fees. Despite these improvements, eCash remains committed to maintaining the decentralization principles of the original Bitcoin protocol. By prioritizing scalability and extensibility, eCash seeks to realize the vision of Bitcoin as a practical and accessible peer-to-peer electronic cash system.

About Polygon

Polygon, formerly Matic Network, is a blockchain platform designed to establish a multi-chain system compatible with Ethereum. It employs a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism similar to Ethereum for on-chain transactions, with its native token being MATIC. Functioning as a "layer two" or "sidechain" scaling solution alongside Ethereum, Polygon facilitates quicker transactions and lower fees. Its inception aimed to tackle Ethereum's major challenges, including high fees, subpar user experience, and limited transaction throughput, aspiring to create an "Ethereum's internet of blockchains" or a multi-chain ecosystem of Ethereum-compatible blockchains.

Blockchains Socials

eCash Socials

Polygon Socials