Crust vs eCash

Real-time TPS


Crust TPS is 100% less than eCash TPS

Crust logo
0 tx/s
eCash logo
0.03 tx/s

Max TPS (100 blocks)


Crust max TPS is 99.81% less than eCash max TPS

Crust logo
0.06 tx/s
eCash logo
31.24 tx/s

Max Theoretical TPS


Crust max theoretical TPS is 43X more than eCash max theoretical TPS

Crust logo
1,500 tx/s
eCash logo
34.95 tx/s

Block Time


Crust block time is 97.31% less than eCash block time

Crust logo
eCash logo
7m 41s



Crust finality is 89.65% less than eCash finality

Crust logo
eCash logo
9m 40s



Crust is a parachain, while eCash is a layer 1 blockchain

Crust logo
eCash logo
Layer 1 blockchain



Crust on-chain governance is better than eCash council governance

Crust logo
eCash logo

Launch Date


Crust was launched 2 years after eCash

Crust logo
Nov 21, 2022
eCash logo
Nov 15, 2020

Crust vs eCash Real-Time TPS Chart

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About Blockchains

About Crust

Crust is a decentralized storage network built on Polkadot, a multi-chain blockchain platform. It aims to provide a decentralized storage solution that is secure, reliable, and cost-effective. Crust allows users to store and retrieve data in a web3 manner, leveraging the power of blockchain technology to ensure data integrity and availability. Crust uses a combination of blockchain and decentralized storage technologies to achieve its goals. It offers incentives for users to contribute their storage space to the network, creating a distributed storage infrastructure that is resistant to censorship and single points of failure.

About eCash

eCash is a blockchain project led by Bitcoin ABC, aiming to enhance L1 scalability, security, transaction speed, and cost-effectiveness. It integrates the Avalanche consensus protocol with its base PoW consensus, making it effectively a hybrid consensus network that is secured against 51% attacks and extensible via subnets and hard-fork free upgrades. These improvements address scalability concerns, enable rapid transaction finality, interoperability, and guarantee subcent fees. Despite these improvements, eCash remains committed to maintaining the decentralization principles of the original Bitcoin protocol. By prioritizing scalability and extensibility, eCash seeks to realize the vision of Bitcoin as a practical and accessible peer-to-peer electronic cash system.

Blockchains Socials

Crust Socials

eCash Socials