Concordium vs Arbitrum

Real-time TPS

Concordium TPS is 99.84% less than Arbitrum TPS

Concordium logo
0.03 tx/s
Arbitrum logo
20.89 tx/s

Max TPS (100 blocks)

Concordium max TPS is 94.15% less than Arbitrum max TPS

Concordium logo
64.62 tx/s
Arbitrum logo
1,105 tx/s

Max Theoretical TPS

Concordium max theoretical TPS is 95% less than Arbitrum max theoretical TPS

Concordium logo
2,000 tx/s
Arbitrum logo
40,000 tx/s

Block Time

Concordium block time is 8.94X more than Arbitrum block time

Concordium logo
Arbitrum logo


Concordium finality is 99.58% less than Arbitrum finality

Concordium logo
Arbitrum logo


Concordium is a layer 1 blockchain, while Arbitrum is a layer 2 blockchain

Concordium logo
Layer 1 blockchain
Arbitrum logo
Layer 2 blockchain


Concordium council governance is worse than Arbitrum on-chain governance

Concordium logo
Arbitrum logo

Launch Date

Concordium was launched 3 months before Arbitrum

Concordium logo
Jun 9, 2021
Arbitrum logo
Aug 31, 2021

Concordium vs Arbitrum Real-Time TPS Chart

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About Blockchains

About Concordium

Concordium is a science-based proof-of-stake blockchain, the first in the world with identification built into the protocol and designed to meet regulatory requirements. Concordium CCD is a standard blockchain asset with customizable options, directly in Layer-1. Concordium supports secure transfers and immediate transaction settlement for multiparty transactions built in Layer-1. Concordium Smart Contracts in Layer-1 are stateless smart contracts with numerous possibilities for governed operations. These capabilities can be applied to different sectors and industries, such as IoT, Supply Chain Finance, and Mobility-as-a-service, as well as tackling interoperability between other platforms and blockchains.

About Arbitrum

Arbitrum serves as a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum, leveraging rollups to significantly boost scalability and reduce transaction costs while maintaining robust security. It enables developers to execute EVM-compatible smart contracts with a substantially higher transaction throughput and lower fees compared to Ethereum's main chain, making it a compelling platform for decentralized application development.

Blockchains Socials

Concordium Socials

Arbitrum Socials