Real-time TPS
Arbitrum TPS is 15.51 tx/s, while Ajuna Network TPS is coming soon
Max TPS (100 blocks)
Arbitrum max TPS is 1,105 tx/s, while Ajuna Network max TPS is coming soon
Max Theoretical TPS
Arbitrum max theoretical TPS is 40,000 tx/s, while Ajuna Network max theoretical TPS is coming soon
Total Transactions
Arbitrum total txns is 55,847 txns, while Ajuna Network total txns is coming soon
Block Time
Arbitrum block time is 0.25s, while Ajuna Network block time is coming soon
Arbitrum finality is 16m, while Ajuna Network finality is coming soon
Arbitrum is a layer 2 blockchain, while Ajuna Network type is unknown
Arbitrum governance is on-chain, while Ajuna Network governance is coming soon
Launch Date
Arbitrum was launched on Aug 31, 2021, while the Ajuna Network launch date is unknown
Other Comparisons
Arbitrum Comparisons
Ajuna Network Comparisons
- Ajuna Network vs Acala
- Ajuna Network vs Ajuna Network
- Ajuna Network vs Astar
- Ajuna Network vs Bifrost
- Ajuna Network vs Crust
- Ajuna Network vs Frequency
- Ajuna Network vs Hydration
- Ajuna Network vs Integritee
- Ajuna Network vs Litentry
- Ajuna Network vs Mythos
- Ajuna Network vs Moonbeam
- Ajuna Network vs NeuroWeb
- Ajuna Network vs peaq
- Ajuna Network vs Pendulum
- Ajuna Network vs Phala Network
- Ajuna Network vs Robonomics
- Ajuna Network vs Polkadot
- Ajuna Network vs Zeitgeist
About Blockchains
About Arbitrum
Arbitrum serves as a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum, leveraging rollups to significantly boost scalability and reduce transaction costs while maintaining robust security. It enables developers to execute EVM-compatible smart contracts with a substantially higher transaction throughput and lower fees compared to Ethereum's main chain, making it a compelling platform for decentralized application development.
About Ajuna Network
The Ajuna platform provides a simplified way for Unreal and Unity developers to build an incentive layer into their games using tokenized virtual goods. The partnership with Integritee will allow Ajuna to run entire gaming engines in trusted execution environments to create fast, secure, and scalable decentralized gaming ecosystems.