Kaia vs Starknet

Real-time TPS

Kaia TPS is 13X more than Starknet TPS

Kaia logo
8.2 tx/s
Starknet logo
0.63 tx/s

Max TPS (100 blocks)

Kaia max TPS is 8.23X more than Starknet max TPS

Kaia logo
3,142 tx/s
Starknet logo
382 tx/s

Max Theoretical TPS

Kaia max theoretical TPS is 121X more than Starknet max theoretical TPS

Kaia logo
28,922 tx/s
Starknet logo
238 tx/s

Block Time

Kaia block time is 96.88% less than Starknet block time

Kaia logo
Starknet logo


Kaia finality is 100% less than Starknet finality

Kaia logo
Starknet logo


Kaia is a layer 1 blockchain, while Starknet is a layer 2 blockchain

Kaia logo
Layer 1 blockchain
Starknet logo
Layer 2 blockchain


Kaia council governance is worse than Starknet on-chain governance

Kaia logo
Starknet logo

Launch Date

Kaia was launched 2 years before Starknet

Kaia logo
Jun 27, 2019
Starknet logo
Nov 16, 2021

Kaia vs Starknet Real-Time TPS Chart

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About Blockchains

About Kaia

Kaia (ex. Klaytn), an open-source public blockchain created by South Korean internet giant Kakao, prioritizes the metaverse, gaming, and the creator economy. Tailored for the evolving on-chain landscape, Kaia underscores enterprise-grade reliability through its optimized, Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT)-based blockchain. Kaia's mission is to decrease the operational costs of blockchain applications, enhance accessibility for end-users, and streamline technology adoption across industries.

About Starknet

Starknet stands as a permissionless blockchain solution, functioning as a Validity-Rollup, often referred to as a zero-knowledge rollup (ZK rollup) for Ethereum. It's a Layer 2 (L2) platform that empowers dApps to achieve significant computational scalability while upholding Ethereum's inherent composability and security standards.

Blockchains Socials

Kaia Socials

Starknet Socials