Concordium vs ICP

Real-time TPS


Concordium TPS is 99.99% less than ICP TPS

Concordium logo
0.03 tx/s
ICP logo
1,403 tx/s

Max TPS (100 blocks)


Concordium max TPS is 99.74% less than ICP max TPS

Concordium logo
64.62 tx/s
ICP logo
25,621 tx/s

Max Theoretical TPS


Concordium max theoretical TPS is 99.04% less than ICP max theoretical TPS

Concordium logo
2,000 tx/s
ICP logo
209,708 tx/s

Block Time


Concordium block time is 4.62X more than ICP block time

Concordium logo
ICP logo



Concordium finality is 100% more than ICP finality

Concordium logo
ICP logo



Concordium and ICP are both layer 1 blockchains

Concordium logo
Layer 1 blockchain
ICP logo
Layer 1 blockchain



Concordium council governance is worse than ICP on-chain governance

Concordium logo
ICP logo

Launch Date


Concordium was launched 1 month after ICP

Concordium logo
Jun 9, 2021
ICP logo
May 10, 2021

Concordium vs ICP Real-Time TPS Chart

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About Blockchains

About Concordium

Concordium is a science-based proof-of-stake blockchain, the first in the world with identification built into the protocol and designed to meet regulatory requirements. Concordium CCD is a standard blockchain asset with customizable options, directly in Layer-1. Concordium supports secure transfers and immediate transaction settlement for multiparty transactions built in Layer-1. Concordium Smart Contracts in Layer-1 are stateless smart contracts with numerous possibilities for governed operations. These capabilities can be applied to different sectors and industries, such as IoT, Supply Chain Finance, and Mobility-as-a-service, as well as tackling interoperability between other platforms and blockchains.

About ICP

The Internet Computer enables you to build anything without traditional IT and Big Tech. It hosts decentralized serverless compute that’s simpler, immune to cyber attack, unstoppable, and controllable by DAOs. Next-generation smart contracts (named Canisters) that hold both code and state enable truly Decentralized AI. Canisters use Chain Fusion technology to write transctions directly to other chains without centralized bridges, enabling secure multi-chain dapps. Build social, defi, games, e-commerce, enterprise or any kind of application or service on ICP. The internet is evolving.

Blockchains Socials

Concordium Socials

ICP Socials