Real-time TPS
Taraxa TPS is 94.52% less than Solana TPS
64.97 tx/s
1,187 tx/s
Max TPS (100 blocks)
Taraxa max TPS is 1.57X more than Solana max TPS
4,562 tx/s
2,909 tx/s
Max Theoretical TPS
Taraxa max theoretical TPS is 23.07% less than Solana max theoretical TPS
50,000 tx/s
65,000 tx/s
Block Time
Taraxa block time is 8.96X more than Solana block time
Taraxa finality is 100% less than Solana finality
Taraxa and Solana are both layer 1 blockchains
Layer 1 blockchain
Layer 1 blockchain
Taraxa council governance is worse than Solana off-chain governance
Launch Date
Taraxa was launched 3 years after Solana
Apr 3, 2023
Mar 16, 2020
Taraxa vs Solana Real-Time TPS Chart
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About Blockchains
About Taraxa
Taraxa is a purpose-built, fast, scalable, and device-friendly public ledger designed to track informal transactions to minimize confusion & disputes.
About Solana
Solana stands out as a high-performance blockchain, celebrated for its scalability, speed, and minimal transaction expenses. Featuring a distinctive consensus mechanism dubbed Proof of History (PoH), Solana achieves remarkable scalability and efficiency. Tailored to accommodate dApps, it excels in processing a vast number of transactions swiftly, thereby slashing processing durations and fees. These attributes make it a compelling platform for developers within the cryptocurrency realm.