Real-time TPS
Solana TPS is 2,864X more than Cardano TPS
Max TPS (100 blocks)
Solana max TPS is 250X more than Cardano max TPS
Max Theoretical TPS
Solana max theoretical TPS is 3,607X more than Cardano max theoretical TPS
Block Time
Solana block time is 98.02% less than Cardano block time
Solana finality is 89.33% less than Cardano finality
Solana and Cardano are both layer 1 blockchains
Solana off-chain governance is worse than Cardano on-chain governance
Launch Date
Solana was launched 2 years after Cardano
Solana vs Cardano Real-Time TPS Chart
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About Blockchains
About Solana
Solana stands out as a high-performance blockchain, celebrated for its scalability, speed, and minimal transaction expenses. Featuring a distinctive consensus mechanism dubbed Proof of History (PoH), Solana achieves remarkable scalability and efficiency. Tailored to accommodate dApps, it excels in processing a vast number of transactions swiftly, thereby slashing processing durations and fees. These attributes make it a compelling platform for developers within the cryptocurrency realm.
About Cardano
Cardano is a proof-of-stake blockchain platform: the first to be founded on peer-reviewed research and developed through evidence-based methods. It combines pioneering technologies to provide unparalleled security and sustainability to decentralized applications, systems, and societies.