Kaia vs NEAR

Real-time TPS

Kaia TPS is 90.31% less than NEAR TPS

Kaia logo
8.74 tx/s
NEAR logo
90.25 tx/s

Max TPS (100 blocks)

Kaia max TPS is 10.2% less than NEAR max TPS

Kaia logo
3,142 tx/s
NEAR logo
3,499 tx/s

Max Theoretical TPS

Kaia max theoretical TPS is 2.41X more than NEAR max theoretical TPS

Kaia logo
28,922 tx/s
NEAR logo
12,000 tx/s

Block Time

Kaia block time is 9.83% less than NEAR block time

Kaia logo
NEAR logo


Kaia finality is 100% less than NEAR finality

Kaia logo
NEAR logo


Kaia and NEAR are both layer 1 blockchains

Kaia logo
Layer 1 blockchain
NEAR logo
Layer 1 blockchain


Kaia and NEAR governance are both coming soon

Kaia logo
NEAR logo

Launch Date

Kaia was launched 10 months before NEAR

Kaia logo
Jun 27, 2019
NEAR logo
Apr 22, 2020

Kaia vs NEAR Real-Time TPS Chart

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About Blockchains

About Kaia

Kaia (ex. Klaytn), an open-source public blockchain created by South Korean internet giant Kakao, prioritizes the metaverse, gaming, and the creator economy. Tailored for the evolving on-chain landscape, Kaia underscores enterprise-grade reliability through its optimized, Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT)-based blockchain. Kaia's mission is to decrease the operational costs of blockchain applications, enhance accessibility for end-users, and streamline technology adoption across industries.

About NEAR

NEAR is the chain abstraction stack, empowering builders to create apps that scale to billions of users and across all blockchains.

Blockchains Socials

Kaia Socials

NEAR Socials