Fantom vs Mantle

Real-time TPS

Fantom TPS is 1.48 tx/s, while Mantle TPS is coming soon

Fantom logo
1.48 tx/s
Mantle logo

Max TPS (100 blocks)

Fantom max TPS is 181 tx/s, while Mantle max TPS is coming soon

Fantom logo
181 tx/s
Mantle logo

Max Theoretical TPS

Fantom max theoretical TPS is 1,476 tx/s, while Mantle max theoretical TPS is coming soon

Fantom logo
1,476 tx/s
Mantle logo

Block Time

Fantom block time is 1.77s, while Mantle block time is coming soon

Fantom logo
Mantle logo


Fantom finality is 0s, while Mantle finality is coming soon

Fantom logo
Mantle logo


Fantom is a layer 1 blockchain, while Mantle type is unknown

Fantom logo
Layer 1 blockchain
Mantle logo


Fantom governance is on-chain, while Mantle governance is coming soon

Fantom logo
Mantle logo

Launch Date

Fantom was launched on Dec 27, 2019, while the Mantle launch date is unknown

Fantom logo
Dec 27, 2019
Mantle logo

Other Comparisons

About Blockchains

About Fantom

Fantom is a high-performance, scalable, and secure smart contract platform engineered to surpass the constraints of preceding blockchain platforms. Operating as a permissionless, decentralized, and open-source network, Fantom leverages Lachesis, its asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance (aBFT) consensus mechanism. This innovative approach enables Fantom to achieve remarkable speed and affordability compared to older technologies while maintaining exceptional security standards.

About Mantle

Mantle Network is dedicated to building an EVM-compatible scaling solution for Ethereum. This means that all contracts and tools running on Ethereum can operate on the Mantle Network with minimal modifications. Taking advantage of its modular architecture, Mantle Network combines an optimistic rollup with various innovative data availability solutions, providing cheaper and more accessible data availability while inheriting the security of Ethereum.

Blockchains Socials

Fantom Socials

Mantle Socials