Chainlink vs Base

Real-time TPS

Chainlink TPS is coming soon, while Base TPS is 75.52 tx/s

Chainlink logo
Base logo
75.52 tx/s

Max TPS (100 blocks)

Chainlink max TPS is coming soon, while Base max TPS is 616 tx/s

Chainlink logo
Base logo
616 tx/s

Max Theoretical TPS

Chainlink max theoretical TPS is coming soon, while Base max theoretical TPS is 1,429 tx/s

Chainlink logo
Base logo
1,429 tx/s

Block Time

Chainlink block time is coming soon, while Base block time is 2s

Chainlink logo
Base logo


Chainlink finality is coming soon, while Base finality is 16m

Chainlink logo
Base logo


Chainlink type is unknown, while Base is a layer 2 blockchain

Chainlink logo
Base logo
Layer 2 blockchain


Chainlink governance is coming soon, while Base governance is off-chain

Chainlink logo
Base logo

Launch Date

The Chainlink launch date is unknown, while Base was launched on Aug 9, 2023

Chainlink logo
Base logo
Aug 9, 2023

Other Comparisons

About Blockchains

About Chainlink

Chainlink connects existing systems to any public or private blockchain and enables secure cross-chain communication. World-class developer experience.

About Base

Base, an Ethereum-based blockchain developed by Coinbase, operates as a Layer 2 (L2) network, leveraging Optimism to provide a secure, cost-effective, and user-friendly environment for decentralized application (dApp) development. With a mission to onboard the next billion users to web3, Base ensures near-zero fees, quick transactions, and robust security supported by Ethereum's infrastructure. At its launch, Base had over 100 dApps and service providers, aiming to solve the blockchain trilemma by prioritizing interoperability and composability among participating rollups. This approach enhances scalability while preserving security and decentralization.

Blockchains Socials

Chainlink Socials

Base Socials