Ajuna Network vs Hedera

Real-time TPS

Ajuna Network TPS is coming soon, while Hedera TPS is 4.14 tx/s

Ajuna Network logo
Hedera logo
4.14 tx/s

Max TPS (100 blocks)

Ajuna Network max TPS is coming soon, while Hedera max TPS is 3,302 tx/s

Ajuna Network logo
Hedera logo
3,302 tx/s

Max Theoretical TPS

Ajuna Network max theoretical TPS is coming soon, while Hedera max theoretical TPS is 10,000 tx/s

Ajuna Network logo
Hedera logo
10,000 tx/s

Block Time

Ajuna Network block time is coming soon, while Hedera block time is 2s

Ajuna Network logo
Hedera logo


Ajuna Network finality is coming soon, while Hedera finality is 7s

Ajuna Network logo
Hedera logo


Ajuna Network type is unknown, while Hedera is a layer 1 blockchain

Ajuna Network logo
Hedera logo
Layer 1 blockchain


Ajuna Network governance is coming soon, while Hedera governance is council

Ajuna Network logo
Hedera logo

Launch Date

The Ajuna Network launch date is unknown, while Hedera was launched on Sep 16, 2019

Ajuna Network logo
Hedera logo
Sep 16, 2019

Other Comparisons

About Blockchains

About Ajuna Network

The Ajuna platform provides a simplified way for Unreal and Unity developers to build an incentive layer into their games using tokenized virtual goods. The partnership with Integritee will allow Ajuna to run entire gaming engines in trusted execution environments to create fast, secure, and scalable decentralized gaming ecosystems.

About Hedera

Hedera operates as a public network employing the hashgraph consensus algorithm for rapid and secure transaction validation. Governed by a council of esteemed organizations, Hedera ensures consistent progress and decentralization. Distinguished by its high throughput, security, and fair transaction ordering, Hedera strives to establish a trust layer for the internet.

Blockchains Socials

Ajuna Network Socials

Hedera Socials