Real-Time TPS

Sirius TPS is 99.96% less than BNB Chain TPS

0.0089 tx/s
24.29 tx/s

Max Recorded TPS

Sirius max TPS is 99.99% less than BNB Chain max TPS

0.03 tx/s
1,731 tx/s

Max Theoretical TPS

Sirius max theoretical TPS is 2.83X more than BNB Chain max theoretical TPS

6,279 tx/s
2,222 tx/s

Block Time

Sirius block time is 6.68X more than BNB Chain block time


Time to Finality (TTF)

Sirius TTF is 100% less than BNB Chain TTF



Sirius and BNB Chain are both layer 1 blockchains

Layer 1 blockchain
Layer 1 blockchain

Governance Model

Sirius multisig governance is worse than BNB Chain on-chain governance


Other Comparisons

About Blockchains

What is Sirius?

Sirius aims to offer a suite of primary services including blockchain, storage, streaming, and Supercontract. Its architecture allows for the seamless addition of future services without compromising performance. These services are managed and governed by robust consensus protocols, ensuring network integrity while incentivizing decentralized participation. With its parallelized services and protocols organized into distinct layers, Sirius is flexible, easy to adopt, fast, and secure. Packaged within an all-in-one extensible framework, the Sirius ecosystem is well-suited for a range of applications including dApps, DeFi, NFTs, Web3, and beyond.

What is BNB Chain?

The BNB Chain, formerly known as Binance Smart Chain (BSC), is a blockchain platform introduced by the cryptocurrency exchange Binance. Its native token, BNB, serves various roles within the ecosystem. BNB acts as the network's transaction fuel, similar to gas on Ethereum, and grants users governance rights to participate in on-chain decision-making. In September 2020, Binance introduced the BNB Smart Chain alongside the BNB Beacon Chain, extending BNB's functionality. The BNB Smart Chain supports smart contracts and staking, offering an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)-compatible infrastructure. This dual-chain design aims to provide a high-performance, cost-effective environment for the blockchain community, ensuring compatibility with existing Ethereum tools and dApps while improving scalability and user experience.

Blockchains Socials

Sirius Socials

BNB Chain Socials