Real-Time TPS

Polygon TPS is 6.51X more than Algorand TPS

59.09 tx/s
9.07 tx/s

Max Recorded TPS

Polygon max TPS is 95.07% less than Algorand max TPS

282 tx/s
5,716 tx/s

Max Theoretical TPS

Polygon max theoretical TPS is 93.08% less than Algorand max theoretical TPS

649 tx/s
9,384 tx/s

Block Time

Polygon block time is 19.2% less than Algorand block time


Time to Finality (TTF)

Polygon TTF is 100% more than Algorand TTF

4m 16s


Polygon is a layer 2 blockchain, while Algorand is a layer 1 blockchain

Layer 2 blockchain
Layer 1 blockchain

Governance Model

Polygon off-chain governance is worse than Algorand on-chain governance


Other Comparisons

About Blockchains

What is Polygon?

Polygon, formerly Matic Network, is a blockchain platform designed to establish a multi-chain system compatible with Ethereum. It employs a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism similar to Ethereum for on-chain transactions, with its native token being MATIC. Functioning as a "layer two" or "sidechain" scaling solution alongside Ethereum, Polygon facilitates quicker transactions and lower fees. Its inception aimed to tackle Ethereum's major challenges, including high fees, subpar user experience, and limited transaction throughput, aspiring to create an "Ethereum's internet of blockchains" or a multi-chain ecosystem of Ethereum-compatible blockchains.

What is Algorand?

Algorand emerges as a blockchain platform committed to fostering transparency and enabling the growth of decentralized projects and applications. Operating as a public, decentralized blockchain, it leverages a Pure Proof-of-Stake (PPoS) consensus mechanism to uphold network security, efficiency, and decentralization. Powered by the Algorand Consensus Algorithm, the network employs a combination of cryptographic techniques and random selection to attain consensus, effectively addressing the constraints of traditional consensus mechanisms.

Blockchains Socials

Polygon Socials

Algorand Socials