Real-Time TPS

Cronos TPS is 90.95% less than Algorand TPS

0.83 tx/s
9.2 tx/s

Max Recorded TPS

Cronos max TPS is 97.52% less than Algorand max TPS

142 tx/s
5,716 tx/s

Max Theoretical TPS

Cronos max theoretical TPS is 94.56% less than Algorand max theoretical TPS

510 tx/s
9,384 tx/s

Block Time

Cronos block time is 1.96X more than Algorand block time


Time to Finality (TTF)

Cronos TTF is the same as Algorand TTF



Cronos and Algorand are both layer 1 blockchains

Layer 1 blockchain
Layer 1 blockchain

Governance Model

The governance types of Cronos and Algorand are both on-chain


Other Comparisons

About Blockchains

What is Cronos?

Cronos emerges as an interoperable blockchain, streamlining the migration of applications and crypto assets from various chains while prioritizing low transaction costs, rapid throughput, and fast finalization times. It operates as an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)-compatible chain, augmented with support for Inter-Blockchain Communications (IBC) networks based on the Cosmos SDK. This integration empowers developers to create and launch dApps atop the EVM infrastructure.

What is Algorand?

Algorand emerges as a blockchain platform committed to fostering transparency and enabling the growth of decentralized projects and applications. Operating as a public, decentralized blockchain, it leverages a Pure Proof-of-Stake (PPoS) consensus mechanism to uphold network security, efficiency, and decentralization. Powered by the Algorand Consensus Algorithm, the network employs a combination of cryptographic techniques and random selection to attain consensus, effectively addressing the constraints of traditional consensus mechanisms.

Blockchains Socials

Cronos Socials

Algorand Socials