Real-time TPS
Kaia TPS is 31 tx/s, while peaq TPS is coming soon
Max TPS (100 blocks)
Kaia max TPS is 3,142 tx/s, while peaq max TPS is coming soon
Max Theoretical TPS
Kaia max theoretical TPS is 28,922 tx/s, while peaq max theoretical TPS is coming soon
Total Transactions
Kaia total txns is 111,601 txns, while peaq total txns is coming soon
Block Time
Kaia block time is 1s, while peaq block time is coming soon
Kaia finality is 0s, while peaq finality is coming soon
Kaia is a layer 1 blockchain, while peaq type is unknown
Kaia governance is council, while peaq governance is coming soon
Launch Date
Kaia was launched on Jun 27, 2019, while the peaq launch date is unknown
Other Comparisons
Kaia Comparisons
peaq Comparisons
- peaq vs Acala
- peaq vs Ajuna Network
- peaq vs Astar
- peaq vs Bifrost
- peaq vs Crust
- peaq vs Frequency
- peaq vs Hydration
- peaq vs Integritee
- peaq vs Litentry
- peaq vs Mythos
- peaq vs Moonbeam
- peaq vs NeuroWeb
- peaq vs peaq
- peaq vs Pendulum
- peaq vs Phala Network
- peaq vs Robonomics
- peaq vs Polkadot
- peaq vs Zeitgeist
About Blockchains
About Kaia
Kaia (ex. Klaytn), an open-source public blockchain created by South Korean internet giant Kakao, prioritizes the metaverse, gaming, and the creator economy. Tailored for the evolving on-chain landscape, Kaia underscores enterprise-grade reliability through its optimized, Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT)-based blockchain. Kaia's mission is to decrease the operational costs of blockchain applications, enhance accessibility for end-users, and streamline technology adoption across industries.
About peaq
peaq is the decentralized Web3 network powering the Economy of Things. Built with Substrate and designed to solve some of our biggest societal and economic challenges, it ensures that the incentives of people and increasingly intelligent machines are aligned.