Kaia vs Integritee
Real-time TPS
Kaia TPS is 114X more than Integritee TPS
Max TPS (100 blocks)
Kaia max TPS is 218X more than Integritee max TPS
Max Theoretical TPS
Kaia max theoretical TPS is 19X more than Integritee max theoretical TPS
Block Time
Kaia block time is 91.83% less than Integritee block time
Kaia finality is 100% less than Integritee finality
Kaia is a layer 1 blockchain, while Integritee is a parachain
Kaia council governance is worse than Integritee on-chain governance
Launch Date
Kaia was launched 3 years before Integritee
Kaia vs Integritee Real-Time TPS Chart
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About Blockchains
About Kaia
Kaia (ex. Klaytn), an open-source public blockchain created by South Korean internet giant Kakao, prioritizes the metaverse, gaming, and the creator economy. Tailored for the evolving on-chain landscape, Kaia underscores enterprise-grade reliability through its optimized, Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT)-based blockchain. Kaia's mission is to decrease the operational costs of blockchain applications, enhance accessibility for end-users, and streamline technology adoption across industries.
About Integritee
Integritee is a blockchain project focused on providing privacy-preserving solutions for dApps and smart contracts. It aims to enable confidential computing on public blockchains, allowing sensitive data to be processed securely without compromising privacy. Integritee utilizes trusted execution environments (TEEs), such as Intel SGX, to create secure enclaves where data can be processed confidentially. This ensures that data remains encrypted and inaccessible to anyone, including the network validators or operators, while it is being processed. This idea opens up new possibilities for privacy-focused applications in finance, healthcare, and so on.