Integritee vs Ajuna Network

Real-time TPS

Integritee TPS is 0.1 tx/s, while Ajuna Network TPS is coming soon

Integritee logo
0.1 tx/s
Ajuna Network logo

Max TPS (100 blocks)

Integritee max TPS is 14.42 tx/s, while Ajuna Network max TPS is coming soon

Integritee logo
14.42 tx/s
Ajuna Network logo

Max Theoretical TPS

Integritee max theoretical TPS is 1,500 tx/s, while Ajuna Network max theoretical TPS is coming soon

Integritee logo
1,500 tx/s
Ajuna Network logo

Block Time

Integritee block time is 12.14s, while Ajuna Network block time is coming soon

Integritee logo
Ajuna Network logo


Integritee finality is 1m, while Ajuna Network finality is coming soon

Integritee logo
Ajuna Network logo


Integritee is a parachain, while Ajuna Network type is unknown

Integritee logo
Ajuna Network logo


Integritee governance is on-chain, while Ajuna Network governance is coming soon

Integritee logo
Ajuna Network logo

Launch Date

Integritee was launched on Mar 21, 2022, while the Ajuna Network launch date is unknown

Integritee logo
Mar 21, 2022
Ajuna Network logo

Other Comparisons

About Blockchains

About Integritee

Integritee is a blockchain project focused on providing privacy-preserving solutions for dApps and smart contracts. It aims to enable confidential computing on public blockchains, allowing sensitive data to be processed securely without compromising privacy. Integritee utilizes trusted execution environments (TEEs), such as Intel SGX, to create secure enclaves where data can be processed confidentially. This ensures that data remains encrypted and inaccessible to anyone, including the network validators or operators, while it is being processed. This idea opens up new possibilities for privacy-focused applications in finance, healthcare, and so on.

About Ajuna Network

The Ajuna platform provides a simplified way for Unreal and Unity developers to build an incentive layer into their games using tokenized virtual goods. The partnership with Integritee will allow Ajuna to run entire gaming engines in trusted execution environments to create fast, secure, and scalable decentralized gaming ecosystems.

Blockchains Socials

Integritee Socials

Ajuna Network Socials