Hedera vs Polkadot

Real-time TPS

Hedera TPS is 65X more than Polkadot TPS

Hedera logo
5.04 tx/s
Polkadot logo
0.08 tx/s

Max TPS (100 blocks)

Hedera max TPS is 7.27X more than Polkadot max TPS

Hedera logo
3,302 tx/s
Polkadot logo
454 tx/s

Max Theoretical TPS

Hedera max theoretical TPS is the same as Polkadot max theoretical TPS

Hedera logo
10,000 tx/s
Polkadot logo
10,000 tx/s

Block Time

Hedera block time is 66.66% less than Polkadot block time

Hedera logo
Polkadot logo


Hedera finality is 88.33% less than Polkadot finality

Hedera logo
Polkadot logo


Hedera and Polkadot are both layer 1 blockchains

Hedera logo
Layer 1 blockchain
Polkadot logo
Layer 1 blockchain


Hedera council governance is worse than Polkadot on-chain governance

Hedera logo
Polkadot logo

Launch Date

Hedera was launched 8 months before Polkadot

Hedera logo
Sep 16, 2019
Polkadot logo
May 26, 2020

Hedera vs Polkadot Real-Time TPS Chart

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About Blockchains

About Hedera

Hedera operates as a public network employing the hashgraph consensus algorithm for rapid and secure transaction validation. Governed by a council of esteemed organizations, Hedera ensures consistent progress and decentralization. Distinguished by its high throughput, security, and fair transaction ordering, Hedera strives to establish a trust layer for the internet.

About Polkadot

Polkadot stands out among other blockchain projects for its focus on enhancing the foundational infrastructure of dApps. It aims to enable interoperability between blockchain ecosystems, facilitating seamless communication without intermediaries. Functioning as a "network of networks," Polkadot utilizes parachains — specialized blockchains with unique functionalities and tokens — to enable interaction between diverse blockchain architectures. Powered by the nominated proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus algorithm and drawing inspiration from the Ouroboros protocol, Polkadot offers a robust framework for building interconnected and scalable decentralized systems.

Blockchains Socials

Hedera Socials

Polkadot Socials