Electroneum vs Telos

Real-time TPS

Electroneum TPS is 84.54% less than Telos TPS

Electroneum logo
0.12 tx/s
Telos logo
0.78 tx/s

Max TPS (100 blocks)

Electroneum max TPS is 1.36X more than Telos max TPS

Electroneum logo
16.13 tx/s
Telos logo
11.84 tx/s

Max Theoretical TPS

Electroneum max theoretical TPS is 98.12% less than Telos max theoretical TPS

Electroneum logo
286 tx/s
Telos logo
15,200 tx/s

Block Time

Electroneum block time is 10X more than Telos block time

Electroneum logo
Telos logo


Electroneum finality is 100% less than Telos finality

Electroneum logo
Telos logo
2m 6s


Electroneum and Telos are both layer 1 blockchains

Electroneum logo
Layer 1 blockchain
Telos logo
Layer 1 blockchain


Electroneum council governance is worse than Telos on-chain governance

Electroneum logo
Telos logo

Launch Date

Electroneum was launched 1 year before Telos

Electroneum logo
Oct 30, 2017
Telos logo
Dec 12, 2018

Electroneum vs Telos Real-Time TPS Chart

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About Blockchains

About Electroneum

Electroneum is a Layer 1 EVM-compatible blockchain, catering to 4+ million users worldwide. The network boasts transaction speeds of just 5 seconds with instant finality and potentially the lowest smart contract fees available. Powered by the IBFT consensus mechanism and supported by known validators (targeting universities and Web3 infrastructure companies), the network is incredibly fast, secure and energy efficient.

About Telos

Telos is a blockchain platform built on EOSIO software, focusing on governance, scalability, and sustainability. It features transparent governance allowing token holders to participate in decision-making. With advanced resource management and a Delegated Proof-of-Stake consensus, Telos achieves high scalability. It emphasizes environmental consciousness and fosters a strong community of developers and users.

Blockchains Socials

Electroneum Socials

Telos Socials