Concordium vs peaq

Real-time TPS

Concordium TPS is 0.03 tx/s, while peaq TPS is coming soon

Concordium logo
0.03 tx/s
peaq logo

Max TPS (100 blocks)

Concordium max TPS is 64.62 tx/s, while peaq max TPS is coming soon

Concordium logo
64.62 tx/s
peaq logo

Max Theoretical TPS

Concordium max theoretical TPS is 2,000 tx/s, while peaq max theoretical TPS is coming soon

Concordium logo
2,000 tx/s
peaq logo

Block Time

Concordium block time is 2.29s, while peaq block time is coming soon

Concordium logo
peaq logo


Concordium finality is 4s, while peaq finality is coming soon

Concordium logo
peaq logo


Concordium is a layer 1 blockchain, while peaq type is unknown

Concordium logo
Layer 1 blockchain
peaq logo


Concordium governance is council, while peaq governance is coming soon

Concordium logo
peaq logo

Launch Date

Concordium was launched on Jun 9, 2021, while the peaq launch date is unknown

Concordium logo
Jun 9, 2021
peaq logo

Other Comparisons

About Blockchains

About Concordium

Concordium is a science-based proof-of-stake blockchain, the first in the world with identification built into the protocol and designed to meet regulatory requirements. Concordium CCD is a standard blockchain asset with customizable options, directly in Layer-1. Concordium supports secure transfers and immediate transaction settlement for multiparty transactions built in Layer-1. Concordium Smart Contracts in Layer-1 are stateless smart contracts with numerous possibilities for governed operations. These capabilities can be applied to different sectors and industries, such as IoT, Supply Chain Finance, and Mobility-as-a-service, as well as tackling interoperability between other platforms and blockchains.

About peaq

peaq is the decentralized Web3 network powering the Economy of Things. Built with Substrate and designed to solve some of our biggest societal and economic challenges, it ensures that the incentives of people and increasingly intelligent machines are aligned.

Blockchains Socials

Concordium Socials

peaq Socials