Cardano vs Bifrost

Real-time TPS

Cardano TPS is 0.37 tx/s, while Bifrost TPS is coming soon

Cardano logo
0.37 tx/s
Bifrost logo

Max TPS (100 blocks)

Cardano max TPS is 11.62 tx/s, while Bifrost max TPS is coming soon

Cardano logo
11.62 tx/s
Bifrost logo

Max Theoretical TPS

Cardano max theoretical TPS is 18.02 tx/s, while Bifrost max theoretical TPS is coming soon

Cardano logo
18.02 tx/s
Bifrost logo

Block Time

Cardano block time is 20.32s, while Bifrost block time is coming soon

Cardano logo
Bifrost logo


Cardano finality is 2m, while Bifrost finality is coming soon

Cardano logo
Bifrost logo


Cardano is a layer 1 blockchain, while Bifrost type is unknown

Cardano logo
Layer 1 blockchain
Bifrost logo


Cardano governance is on-chain, while Bifrost governance is coming soon

Cardano logo
Bifrost logo

Launch Date

Cardano was launched on Sep 27, 2017, while the Bifrost launch date is unknown

Cardano logo
Sep 27, 2017
Bifrost logo

Other Comparisons

About Blockchains

About Cardano

Cardano is a proof-of-stake blockchain platform: the first to be founded on peer-reviewed research and developed through evidence-based methods. It combines pioneering technologies to provide unparalleled security and sustainability to decentralized applications, systems, and societies.

About Bifrost

Bitcoin stands as a leading cryptocurrency and payment network, utilizing peer-to-peer technology to operate without central authorities. It embraces global participation as an open-source platform. A notable advancement in Bitcoin is the introduction of ordinals and inscriptions. Launched in January 2023, the Bitcoin ordinals protocol enables the embedding of digital content like art, text, or video directly onto the Bitcoin blockchain. This innovation allows for the creation of exclusive digital collectibles, giving each satoshi a unique identity and purpose, broadening Bitcoin's utility beyond its role as a store of value.

Blockchains Socials

Cardano Socials

Bifrost Socials