Gnosis Chain vs Mythos

Real-time TPS

Gnosis Chain TPS is 2.61 tx/s, while Mythos TPS is coming soon

Gnosis Chain logo
2.61 tx/s
Mythos logo

Max TPS (100 blocks)

Gnosis Chain max TPS is 80.9 tx/s, while Mythos max TPS is coming soon

Gnosis Chain logo
80.9 tx/s
Mythos logo

Max Theoretical TPS

Gnosis Chain max theoretical TPS is 162 tx/s, while Mythos max theoretical TPS is coming soon

Gnosis Chain logo
162 tx/s
Mythos logo

Block Time

Gnosis Chain block time is 5.06s, while Mythos block time is coming soon

Gnosis Chain logo
Mythos logo


Gnosis Chain finality is 4m, while Mythos finality is coming soon

Gnosis Chain logo
Mythos logo


Gnosis Chain is a layer 2 blockchain, while Mythos type is unknown

Gnosis Chain logo
Layer 2 blockchain
Mythos logo


Gnosis Chain governance is multisig, while Mythos governance is coming soon

Gnosis Chain logo
Mythos logo

Launch Date

Gnosis Chain was launched on Oct 8, 2018, while the Mythos launch date is unknown

Gnosis Chain logo
Oct 8, 2018
Mythos logo

Other Comparisons

About Blockchains

About Gnosis Chain

Gnosis Chain operates as an execution-layer Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) chain, utilizing the xDAI stablecoin for transactions and fee payments. Its security is ensured by the Gnosis Beacon Chain (GBC), which employs a Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism akin to Cardano and Solana. Users stake GNO tokens to participate in transaction validation, earning additional GNO rewards for contributing to network security.

About Mythos

Mythos aims to democratize the gaming world and allow for players and creators to participate in the value chain. It is grounded in the support of multi-chain ecosystems, unified marketplaces, decentralized financial systems, decentralized governance mechanisms and multi-token game economies.

Blockchains Socials

Gnosis Chain Socials

Mythos Socials