Chainlink vs xx network

Real-time TPS

Chainlink TPS is coming soon, while xx network TPS is 0 tx/s

Chainlink logo
xx network logo
0 tx/s

Max TPS (100 blocks)

Chainlink max TPS is coming soon, while xx network max TPS is 0.49 tx/s

Chainlink logo
xx network logo
0.49 tx/s

Max Theoretical TPS

Chainlink max theoretical TPS is coming soon, while xx network max theoretical TPS is 1,500 tx/s

Chainlink logo
xx network logo
1,500 tx/s

Block Time

Chainlink block time is coming soon, while xx network block time is 6.06s

Chainlink logo
xx network logo


Chainlink finality is coming soon, while xx network finality is 1m

Chainlink logo
xx network logo


Chainlink type is unknown, while xx network is a layer 1 blockchain

Chainlink logo
xx network logo
Layer 1 blockchain


Chainlink governance is coming soon, while xx network governance is on-chain

Chainlink logo
xx network logo

Launch Date

The Chainlink launch date is unknown, while xx network was launched on Nov 17, 2021

Chainlink logo
xx network logo
Nov 17, 2021

Other Comparisons

About Blockchains

About Chainlink

Chainlink connects existing systems to any public or private blockchain and enables secure cross-chain communication. World-class developer experience.

About xx network

The xx network is a future-proof layer-one blockchain that facilitates thousands of transactions per second and protects against cryptography-breaking quantum computing. The xx network’s blockchain enables digital sovereignty by putting the users in control of the messaging and payments infrastructure. The xx blockchain utilizes breakthroughs in stake-based consensus protocols to provide energy-efficient and quantum-secure transactions at a scale to meet the needs for global payments.

Blockchains Socials

Chainlink Socials

xx network Socials