Real-time TPS
Cardano TPS is 3.38% less than BNB Greenfield TPS
Max TPS (100 blocks)
Cardano max TPS is 74.15% less than BNB Greenfield max TPS
Max Theoretical TPS
Cardano max theoretical TPS is 96.39% less than BNB Greenfield max theoretical TPS
Total Transactions
Cardano total txns is 3.39% less than BNB Greenfield total txns
Block Time
Cardano block time is 9.23X more than BNB Greenfield block time
Cardano finality is 100% more than BNB Greenfield finality
Cardano and BNB Greenfield are both layer 1 blockchains
Cardano and BNB Greenfield governance are both coming soon
Launch Date
Cardano was launched 6 years before BNB Greenfield
Cardano vs BNB Greenfield Real-Time TPS Chart
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BNB Greenfield Comparisons
About Blockchains
About Cardano
Cardano is a proof-of-stake blockchain platform: the first to be founded on peer-reviewed research and developed through evidence-based methods. It combines pioneering technologies to provide unparalleled security and sustainability to decentralized applications, systems, and societies.
About BNB Greenfield
Positioned as the third blockchain within the BNB Chain ecosystem BNB Greenfield utilizes BNB as its native token. In essence, BNB Greenfield aims to offer decentralized storage infrastructure within the expansive BNB Chain ecosystem. This empowers users and dApps to generate, store, and exchange data while retaining full ownership. The potential outcome is the emergence of a new data-centric economy, enabling all participants within the BNB Chain ecosystem to possess, utilize, and monetize data.