Algorand vs peaq

Real-time TPS

Algorand TPS is 16.39 tx/s, while peaq TPS is coming soon

Algorand logo
16.39 tx/s
peaq logo

Max TPS (100 blocks)

Algorand max TPS is 5,716 tx/s, while peaq max TPS is coming soon

Algorand logo
5,716 tx/s
peaq logo

Max Theoretical TPS

Algorand max theoretical TPS is 9,384 tx/s, while peaq max theoretical TPS is coming soon

Algorand logo
9,384 tx/s
peaq logo

Block Time

Algorand block time is 2.8s, while peaq block time is coming soon

Algorand logo
peaq logo


Algorand finality is 0s, while peaq finality is coming soon

Algorand logo
peaq logo


Algorand is a layer 1 blockchain, while peaq type is unknown

Algorand logo
Layer 1 blockchain
peaq logo


Algorand governance is on-chain, while peaq governance is coming soon

Algorand logo
peaq logo

Launch Date

Algorand was launched on Jun 12, 2019, while the peaq launch date is unknown

Algorand logo
Jun 12, 2019
peaq logo

Other Comparisons

About Blockchains

About Algorand

Algorand emerges as a blockchain platform committed to fostering transparency and enabling the growth of decentralized projects and applications. Operating as a public, decentralized blockchain, it leverages a Pure Proof-of-Stake (PPoS) consensus mechanism to uphold network security, efficiency, and decentralization. Powered by the Algorand Consensus Algorithm, the network employs a combination of cryptographic techniques and random selection to attain consensus, effectively addressing the constraints of traditional consensus mechanisms.

About peaq

peaq is the decentralized Web3 network powering the Economy of Things. Built with Substrate and designed to solve some of our biggest societal and economic challenges, it ensures that the incentives of people and increasingly intelligent machines are aligned.

Blockchains Socials

Algorand Socials

peaq Socials